Società | Novody from Nowhere

Who am I

Short introduction or how it feels to be alien
Avvertenza: Questo contributo rispecchia l’opinione personale dell’autore e non necessariamente quella della redazione di SALTO.

Hi, I am a stranger, I am Nobody from Nowhere. This blog is dedicated to my personal reflections about life in South Tirol. I speak no language good enough to write interesting stories capturing your attention. Other than irony and sarcasm I have nothing to propose. Nothing extraordinary in my appearance, but I am different to anyone, transparent to all who do not see me as equal or human being (or being) other than an object for gaining something as people are used to gain from everyone, even themselves. I feel myself as every alien among the people or Gulliver among the dwarfs. I am trying to grow back to become someone somewhere in the land of very thug life, bros and sis.